Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tomorrow's the day. My mom arrives and we are so excited! We haven't seen her since Christmas. We talk at least once a week but it will be so nice to have her here in person. This will be her first visit since helping us move in way back in June. I'm excited for her to see what we've done the with the place.

On another note. I managed to make it out to our local mall walking thing today. Good times. My legs and triceps are sore. I guess that's the price you pay for taking a week off to care for your husband and getting caught up on a lack of sleep.

I also got some time to myself today. Went and bought my son some new running shoes which he desperately needs considering he too comes to the mall and spends most of the time running around. He grew out of his last pair within a couple of months. Probably will happen with these ones too. But lucky for me they were last years model and were on clearance so i bought the next size up as well!!! Two clearance ones for the price of this years model. Man i'm a good shopper. I had fun. It was nice not carting any kids with me even if it was just for an hour.

It'll be 3 for 3 when my mom gets here.


  1. tammi said...
    Good for you!! (both the walking and the shopping deals!) I much prefer walking without my girls, too. With them along, it's just not exercise. Even when I throw them into our bike trailer/stroller thingy, it's still not the same. Certainly no peace and quiet, even if I still get the exercise and fresh air!!!
    Erin said...
    LOL so true....but its better than nothing. :) we do what we have to do.

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