Saturday, March 8, 2008

More snow!

If you live in Ontario then you'll be aware that last night began the start of a large accumulation of snow. I'm not sure how much we have gotten so far but its been some pretty intense precipitation. But as usual when the snow falls our son wants to get outside. So here he is enjoying the snow as all our neighbors curse these winter months.

I don't mind. Its almost like a free babysitter. Plus its an excuse for me to get outside and get some fresh air ( code for there's shovelling that needs to be done).

1 Comment:

  1. tammi said...
    I LOVE the outdoor babysitter!!! My girls are finally both old enough that their little legs can handle plowing through the snow and they love playing outside. I, of course, still prefer sending them outside in summer because then they don't need any help with excess outerwear, but they still play outside a fair bit in winter.

    So far, we haven't really gotten more than about an inch of snow since the end of January, but I know it's comin'!! March never leaves without a fight!

    As to making money to supplement the family income.... no good leads. There are a couple of blogs devoted to that kind of thing that I look at every now and again, but none of their suggestions are things I'm interested in. I'm taking college courses online for web design, so I'm hoping before the year's over, I will be able to offer some design and development services.

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