Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Besides having a crazy abnormal woman-issues week, I am computer-less. Well not entirely but my computer is gone. You see Monday, while I was out at Mom's and Tots with my son, my husband was home while our daughter slept. I received a frantic phone call that a part on his computer had gone kaput and that I was to rush over to Future Shop immediately to pick up a new one so he could see if that was really the problem. Then he called back-false alarm.

I returned home to a sad and disgruntled husband who had confirmed that his power supply had died and it would need replacing......immediately. We managed to hold off for a day because on Tuesday we took a last minute trip to K-town to pick up his new power supply for an extraordinary price. All of this to say that, while we were there, we returned my computer to Best Buy to get it repaired under warranty because it had started making funny noises. We then learned that they would have to send it off for repairs. And so, I am currently unable to access any of my photos right now. For the family that read this blog, it may be a while until there will be new pictures of the kids unless, of course, I stop being lazy and find the contraption that can hook up to my husbands computer so I can get the pictures I just took off of my camera. But since I am being lazy and you can read here why that is, that'll have to wait until another day.

Today, besides my unexpected visitor, I also had my friend Pam and her two kids over for another play date. It made the day go by fast and it also kept my kids occupied. I love play dates. She brought us some homemade rice crispy squares. But.....there are none left....I ate them.... all.....well all that were left.....all.....six of them. I apparently have no self control today either.

To add to my embarrassment, I strategically planned a trip out of the house tonight to replenish my medicine cabinet and get my son a hair cut for a wedding we will be attending next weekend, so that we would be done just in time to meet my husband after work and give him a lift home. Only I forgot (memory loss) that he had told me he was working late for a co-worker tonight and he had to tell me to go home (just as other people were peeking through the window blinds at our exchange). Is nothing sacred? (never mind just my hormones speaking).

Off to bed with me. Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is a new day (repeat until satisfied)


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