Wednesday, July 9, 2008

On the weekend we were invited to two birthday parties. The first for a friend of ours whose son is turning 1! And the second for a little buddy of my son who is turning 3 and his sister who is turning 1! We had an awesome time.

My daughter enjoying the birthday hats.

The first party's birthday boy.

Second party's birthday girl.

Here's my son and the other birthday boy waiting for cake. They are so cute. They both have the same name.

This party was bittersweet. It was also a good-bye party for the family.
They are military and moving to Edmonton.
I'm going to miss them.
My son doesn't know it yet but he's going to miss his buddy too.

1 Comment:

  1. tammi said...
    Aww, it's almost more heart-breaking to watch little ones lose their good friends than it is to lose their parents as friends! (Well, not that you'll lose the friendship, but you know what I mean!) A little girl from Peanut's nursery school class ~ who also has the same name! ~ was supposed to start kindergarten with her, but then right before school, her family ended up moving away. I just wanted to cry, Peanut was so sad.

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