Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Well we went away again home for another wedding. I will have to post pictures of that later. But for those of you that have been waiting here are pictures of my son's first soccer game last night.

He was pretty stoked about playing and kept putting on all his things before we even had supper.

He's the RED team!

Taking a practice kick at the net during warm-up. He never missed the net.

He's there on the far left. He kept looking over at us making sure we were watching him. This was after he scored the FIRST and ONLY goal for his team. It was a proud moment for us and him.
Working hard. Gotta love the freezies the coach brought.

This what my daughter spent her time doing in between trying to get on the field to take the ball.

We saw a lot of this during the second half. He kept coming over telling us he was tired and needed a break. He was one of four other kids actually pretty willing to stay on the field. At one point during the game we only had one player on the field.
I wish we'd taken more shots. But there's always next week. It was fun watching the chaos. We are so proud of him. He didn't even try to pick up that ball with his hands. Already an athlete I guess.


  1. tammi said...
    Ooo, he's so cute in his little uniform! It won't be long and he'll easily be able to handle running for the whole game!

    PS. I noticed you asking about Alyson's strawberry pie and I don't know about hers, but here's a simple and delicious recipe I use all the time.
    Stephanie said...
    Look at him in his little uniform! He's too cute!

    I played soccer at that age and my dad always called it "bunch ball." I always looked forward to the oranges at half-time and a special "treat" at the end of the game (usually fruit snacks and a juice box...). :)
    Erin said...
    Thanks Tammi. i've never cooked with cornstarch before. i like recipes that are tried tested and and good.
    tammi said...
    In many cases, flour and cornstarch can be used interchangeably. I'd think this would be one of those. If you don't have any cornstarch on hand, I'd use flour, again making sure to mix the flour and sugar together before adding the water to avoid clumps.

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