Friday, February 29, 2008

As I have already mentioned, we've been fighting the flu this week. To add to all this household chaos, my youngest has decided (as if she had some choice over the matter) to start pushing some more teeth through. Last night we found tooth #4 on the bottom center right for those of who like to know these things. I suspect tooth #5 will be here shortly-its very visible but just not through the skin yet.

She won't stay still long enough for me to get a good shot of the top ones yet. Will keep trying. That's tooth #1 pictured.

On another note...did I mention how different girls are from boys? When my son was teething he was snotty and grumpy and sensitive and needy. But she just takes it to a whole new level. I know she's happy in this picture but this drama queen I have for a daughter is just no fun to be around when she's teething.....and she's milking it. How do they learn that so fast? She's already looking to see if we're watching when her brother so much as glazes her leg. If we're not, then she pulls out the 'attacked me' cry and watches as our son gets the 20 questions on what just happened. I feel sorry for him already. My husband just has to look at her the wrong way and she'll go off getting all insulted that he dared to eye her. Is this normal or just her? Or did she come by it naturally? Mom if you're reading, i'm sorry if I was like that and if I made you want to pull your hair out or wear earplugs till this stage is over. Only 15 more to go!

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    You say SORRY TO YOUR MOM ! What about me your husband ? You may not be teething anymore, but i certainly see these behaviors on a regular basis and I'm ALWAYS the receiving end of this !! So if there's any sorry's to be said it should be from your mom (putting up with you) and YOU for causing my hair to turn gray !
    P.S I still love you no matter how much chaos/stress you give me ! LOVE YOU !

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