Next stop was my Aunt and Uncle near Buffalo, USA. This stop was long overdue. We had hoped to go visit them last year but it never ended panning out. We vowed to ourselves that we'd make it happen this year.

We had some nice quality time here. The kids really enjoyed
Uncle Rei's crayons
P really enjoyed Aunt Dorothy's water filled doll.

Computers and sour gummy bears. Yum!
We ate soo much on holidays. It was so hard to say no to all the treats.

More computer down time in the evening. I just loved how we could all be doing our own thing but still together in the same room.

Aunt Dorothy and H.

My big little girl.

Chomping down on dinosaur eggs.
These were a must on our list of things to get while visiting.

They are candy coated chocolate eggs that have a dinosaur gummy in the middle.
We promised we wouldn't give up the name of the little shoppe that sold them.

Some group shots before we left. Poor Uncle Rei had his hands full.
He was pretty popular.

tried for a family shot. :)

Back on the road again. Home here we come.

P looking for toe jam.
It's a thing my kids do when they have nothing else to do.

Just what you need to close off a good road trip.
Hmmmm Timmy's.