The birthday girl!

Sitting down for our birthday supper.

P was more into eating the smarties. I have no idea how many she inhaled.

Mouth chock full of sweets.


My mom was here to celebrate with us.

Happy Birthday big girl!

New crocs that LIGHT UP from Liz! Thanks Liz- P thinks now that she has to wear those on her bike because she got them all together.

Liz thought of my son too. Egg shaped sidewalk chalk.
Thanks Liz!

Closing her eyes waiting for her gift from mommy and daddy.

An elmo bike that sings! We're hoping this will ignite the fire to ride now that she has her own
since she was always trying to ride her big brother's.

Opening a special card from Ellie-Ma. It sings the Itsy Bitsy Spider.

A helmet from Ellie-Ma!

She's fully equipped.

Some birthday money from Great-Grandma! Thanks Great-Grandma.

I often pick up things for the kids that I know they'll like for when they get birthday money.
P got an aqua doodle with her money.
And just like that we move on to another year. Wow.