September is here. I can hardly believe it. Three full months and a bit until my special day.
Anyways, just thought I would take the opportunity to post some pictures from our trip back home, the wedding we went to last weekend, and time spent with family at our place.

Fun with cousins in the pool at Auntie Crystal's.
Also really enjoyed their new treehouse in the background.

We got to help my mom pack up her bike for her big trip to a women's music festival.

We woke up early to see her off. :)

Quality time spent with Uncle Caleb.

On top of the fridge. There's a landing on the other side of the wall as part of the stairs.
It opens up to the kitchen.

My son letting us know he found Uncle Caleb at the wedding.

Dana, the beautiful bride.

Our attempt at a family picture. Not bad.

Not too sure what their doing but very intent.
My son with another one of his favorite people. His Uncle Rei.

My daughter, very serious at the reception (also very tired).

My son took this picture of his Ellie-Ma.

L to R: Uncle Caleb, Ellie-Ma, Aunt Dorothy, Uncle Rei


The bride's sisters- T and Ko.

Uncle Stu (another one of my son's favorite men) and Aunt Sue (bride's mother).

Celebrating Uncle Caleb's birthday early.
First exposure to sparklers.


My son didn't nap on the Sunday we had guests.
He dropped on the couch right after everyone left.
Good Times.
Great pictures ~ looks like a full, fun month.
I can't believe it's over.... 9sigh).
no rides yet for the kids. no helmets and i'm not even sure it's legal at their age. they've sat on it though. :)