Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Impulse Purchase

For the past couple of Christmas' my husband and I talked about and selected one gift that we would both benefit from. We had decided that this would be our gift to each other. It was the "Wii".

For those of you who have not yet heard of this new phenomenon of Nintendo technology, the Wii is a game device where you imitate the actual actions of whatever sport you are playing. Lots of fun and quite tiring when you get into it.

All of this to say that we never got our Christmas gift. Until about two weeks ago. My husband came home with it one night, deciding it was time.

We just so happened to be having company the following weekend so it made for some fun times. Plus my son was ecstatic. He is soooo into games and all that stuff and he had played this before at his Uncles' place.

I wonder who's more into it. My husband or my son.

Here's my son showing Aunt Dorothy and Ellie-Ma how it's done.
He's so random with his movements when playing this boxing game that he actually does quite well.

Lots of fun.

While it lasted.

In this case, all good fun came to an end. My husband started having some regrets about making this big purchase. So after a lot of thought we decided to bring it back. Turns out it was my son who was more traumatized by us returning it than we ever were. The whole way to the store he was begging me not to bring the Wii back. So cute.

I know we did the right thing and I hope one day he understands. I tried to make it a lesson on good money management. I told him that mommy and daddy thought we could spend our money better and that we'd wait to see if there would be any better deals. NOTE: we go garage saling so he understands what finding good deals means.

He seemed quite happy with that explanation. Until he realized that another deal meant buying something else.......that day! It took a little convincing that waiting was the best choice. I'm hoping his witnessing all this will one day help him make good purchases....or at least be big enough to return a silly one.

1 Comment:

  1. ellie said...
    I'm with "the boy" I'd be traumatized too.. But I hear ya.. They are hefty... Hopefully someday they will lower in price and I will buy one myself! Way to be maturing and educational!


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