Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Every year the town we live in has a Scottish/Irish festival. And since that is my primary heritage I like to show my support and venture out to see the bagpipes and fellow scottishmen/irishmen or woman in their kilts.It's also an excuse to dress my kids up in their "kilts" (not our real tartan or even a real kilt for that matter but it's all I could find at value village- the real thing is expensive). Fun fun.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My son is very good at dressing himself. But sometimes he misses the mark. And other times he really misses it.
Just thought this might humor you a bit on this sunny beautiful day.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Time is flying.
But the kids are still themselves and cute as ever- most days.
I just love these two pictures.
Definitely insight into their characters. One at the computer and the other with pen on her hand and face.
Friday, September 12, 2008
We've been slowly using up the remainder of my son's birthday money that he got in May. We couldn't think of anything at the time. Just recently it occurred to my husband that a fishing rod would be something fun for our son to have. It would also be a great bonding time for the two of them.
Reeling in fish #4...or was this number 6...I lost count.
I swear it was the same greedy little fish trying to eat all the worms.
Casting on his own....notice how there is no one close looks like he's swinging a baseball bat.
I'm ashamed to admit that. Man I can't wait until we live more in the country.
At first he didn't want any on his hook.
Then one escaped and so we told him he had to put it back.
His response was "my hands are going to get dirty!"
What a kid.
Anyways, he picked it up and put it back.....only after we told him we had some baby wipes.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Last weekend we went to our first demolition derby of the summer. Now that I think of it, it was our first demolition attendance in 3 and 1/2 years (since my son was born). Which is so sad in our eyes since both my husband and I grew up with demolition derby's at the local fair.
So we decided to venture out and take in a local expo that happened to be featuring a demolition on the saturday night. The kids weren't quite sure what we were doing. My son has played some "smashing games" on my husband's computer so he seemed to think we were all going to be playing some big game.
Watching the first cars pull in to determine the best decorated.
(check out their'd never guess it was a father and a son...phenomenal)
The Lighting McQueen car won.
My son was of course cheering for this one
I think this was during the first heat of 4 cylinders. There we're some pretty good hits.
This was while we were waiting for it all to begin.
My daughter was about to yell something. She ended up getting into it a bit before getting really cranky and tired.
He kept begging to go over to where all the lights and rides were.
It wouldn't be a true fair experience if he didn't get to go on at least one.
I love how big his cheeks are here.
He was very happy.
And so we have it. The kids' first demolition derby. In our opinion it wasn't the best derby we've been to. I think we've been spoiled back in our hometown with great seating, huge crowds, lots of local drivers, good old cars, good rules, good hits, huge ring, and lots of fun. Here's to a town that knows how to do it right. Next year maybe we can go home and take the kids to a 'real' demolition derby.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
For the past couple of Christmas' my husband and I talked about and selected one gift that we would both benefit from. We had decided that this would be our gift to each other. It was the "Wii".
For those of you who have not yet heard of this new phenomenon of Nintendo technology, the Wii is a game device where you imitate the actual actions of whatever sport you are playing. Lots of fun and quite tiring when you get into it.
All of this to say that we never got our Christmas gift. Until about two weeks ago. My husband came home with it one night, deciding it was time.
We just so happened to be having company the following weekend so it made for some fun times. Plus my son was ecstatic. He is soooo into games and all that stuff and he had played this before at his Uncles' place.
He's so random with his movements when playing this boxing game that he actually does quite well.
Lots of fun.
While it lasted.
I know we did the right thing and I hope one day he understands. I tried to make it a lesson on good money management. I told him that mommy and daddy thought we could spend our money better and that we'd wait to see if there would be any better deals. NOTE: we go garage saling so he understands what finding good deals means.
He seemed quite happy with that explanation. Until he realized that another deal meant buying something else.......that day! It took a little convincing that waiting was the best choice. I'm hoping his witnessing all this will one day help him make good purchases....or at least be big enough to return a silly one.
Monday, September 1, 2008
September is here. I can hardly believe it. Three full months and a bit until my special day.
Anyways, just thought I would take the opportunity to post some pictures from our trip back home, the wedding we went to last weekend, and time spent with family at our place.
Also really enjoyed their new treehouse in the background.
It opens up to the kitchen.
My son with another one of his favorite people. His Uncle Rei.
First exposure to sparklers.
He dropped on the couch right after everyone left.
Good Times.