Thursday, August 7, 2008

Last week was I celebrated another year of life. Ironically, my husband took advantage of this fact and decided that he too should get a birthday gift. So we got satellite. Not to mention that he has been begging for me to give in to this desire for over a year now. I guess I caved. It's been raining almost every three days here and we were getting sick of watching the same kids movies over and over again. It also would be nice to be able to click on the tube and channel surf while the kids were sleeping. Excuses, Excuses.

Anyways, one very rainy Saturday we packed up the car and purchased the satellite my husband has been yearning for. My husband is also installing everything himself so he's been working tirelessly at hitting the right signal etc. (you can ask him for the details).

We don't have a spade or shovel so he's digging the hole in the ground with one of the kids' plastic sand shovels.

It's a very curious thing understanding what a man will do when he really wants something.

This is probably night #5 of being outside and adjusting things.
And yes those are gigantic bubbles. The kids were out there playing.

It looks like he's looking right at me but really he has no idea I am taking his picture.
He's intent on our television screen that he's moved in front of the patio door behind me.

I must confess though, that it has been quite nice having t.v. in our house again. I kind of missed the TLC channel and the kids TREEHOUSE channel. My son missed it too. I figure it will come in handy when the baby is born since I will, once again, be up nursing several times during the night. Fun, fun.

1 Comment:

  1. ellie said...
    That is hyseterical! I'm glad for you that you can watch TLC again! I sure love it too!

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