Saturday, August 9, 2008
I find myself addicted to facebook. I especially love it when "friends" put up pictures of their lives, families, and of different events that they attend.
Today one of my old public school friends put up some pictures from a weekend at the Highland Games. A very popular and traditional event back from where I grew up. Within those pictures were people I haven't seen in YEARS! I found myself staring at their faces remembering what they looked like to me in grade eight compared to what they look like now. I also found myself wondering what their lives are like now. I wonder what they do for work, if they work. Do they still live back home or did they travel from some bigger city to be back where the action is? Are they too married and have children? Or are they still searching for that special someone? It was at this point that I found myself gazing into their eyes wondering if they are truly happy. It makes me sad to think that they may still be living without purpose, without God in their lives.
I don't know if anyone else does this but...I began to imagine what it would be like to run into these people again...maybe at our public school reunion (do people even do those?). Or even on a visit back home with my soon to be three kids running around. What would I say? What would they be like? How would it feel to either be way ahead of them in life or way behind (considering of course that for most people my age living the secular life, three kids is ten years earlier than where they would put themselves).
All in all, it was a very strange experience seeing all these faces again. It made me appreciate my life. I feel so blessed to be where I am today.
1 Comment:
- tammi said...
August 23, 2008 at 6:26 PMWhen I discovered Facebook last summer, I was exactly the same way. And yet, my high school reunion came and went this month without us. (and we were even in the city that weekend!!) It is very cool to reconnect with old friends ~ what's really weird is when people who couldn't have cared less about you in high school send you "friend requests" and want to catch up!