Saturday, August 30, 2008
I have really been slacking in the blog department lately. Well lets see...its been almost a half a month. It's not for lack of things going on. We've been quite busy with an impromptu trip home, a wedding, some family outings, and visitors.
But up until yesterday I have been plagued with this awful, sometimes excruciating, lower back pain that shoots down my right side. Turns out it is probably sciatica. I never knew what that was until now. It appears that the baby has been putting an undue amount of pressure on some nerves which has made moving for any length of time very uncomfortable and painful.
So for the past couple of weeks I have had to lie down and rest while the kids have their naps. Which means I almost always fall asleep too (not a bad thing) so that I can at least have a break from the pain and make it through the rest of the day without hobbling around with a hot water bottle on my back.
Wednesday night I woke up to use the washroom, which is customary for me to do at least three times, and noticed that my whole stomach was pushing out on one side. It was quite a sight and uncomfortable. But I was tired. Thursday afternoon I had my regular appointment with my midwife and she discovered that the baby had since shifted from her head down position to a breached one (straight across).
Hopefully she won't stay that way until the end BUT my back pain is almost gone!!!!! Yesterday I didn't rest and managed to go to a demolition derby (more on that later) and sit on those awfully uncomfortable grand stand benches and I miraculously could still walk myself to the car!!! Thank you baby girl!!!
What relief.
And the kids are napping now and I am still awake. Maybe the coffee I had this morning helped but I'm not sore. Which I normally would be. Wooohooo!
It's the simple pleasures in life that make me happy.
In light of this joyous occasion here's a belly shot.This is taken at 24 weeks. I'm massive. Almost already half way to my 50 pound total gain mark in pregnancy. At least it seems to fall off pretty quickly once the baby is out. Here's hoping we have a repeat performance.
Another simple pleasure.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Been busy this week with Daily Vacation Bible School at our church. My kids are still too young for the actually school part but the church decided to offer a mom's group with nursery for 0-3 year olds. PERFECT!
Turns out the lady in charge of the nursery has planned something special for them to do each day. They've had a little tea party/picnic, they've gone outside to play in the water, they've had lots of run around time and they've gotten dirty! What more could they want. Oh and there are two young teenage girls helping out that bring lots more energy to the room.
My kids come home WIRED! Especially my daughter. The room they are using for DVBS is the same room she normally goes in for nursery during church. And she NEVER comes out this pumped. Its such a nice feeling seeing the kids enjoy themselves and coming out excited about their morning away from me.
Not to mention how excited I feel about having a morning away from them! :) It's been really fun meeting new mom's at various ages and stages in their lives. It's also been a learning process trying to 'scrapbook' our crafts with them (so not my thing). Oh and not to mention the goodies we've taken turns bringing. Yum.
What a great week so far!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I find myself addicted to facebook. I especially love it when "friends" put up pictures of their lives, families, and of different events that they attend.
Today one of my old public school friends put up some pictures from a weekend at the Highland Games. A very popular and traditional event back from where I grew up. Within those pictures were people I haven't seen in YEARS! I found myself staring at their faces remembering what they looked like to me in grade eight compared to what they look like now. I also found myself wondering what their lives are like now. I wonder what they do for work, if they work. Do they still live back home or did they travel from some bigger city to be back where the action is? Are they too married and have children? Or are they still searching for that special someone? It was at this point that I found myself gazing into their eyes wondering if they are truly happy. It makes me sad to think that they may still be living without purpose, without God in their lives.
I don't know if anyone else does this but...I began to imagine what it would be like to run into these people again...maybe at our public school reunion (do people even do those?). Or even on a visit back home with my soon to be three kids running around. What would I say? What would they be like? How would it feel to either be way ahead of them in life or way behind (considering of course that for most people my age living the secular life, three kids is ten years earlier than where they would put themselves).
All in all, it was a very strange experience seeing all these faces again. It made me appreciate my life. I feel so blessed to be where I am today.
Friday, August 8, 2008
I am sitting here now in front of the tube taking in the opening ceremony for the Olympics. I forgot to mention in my last post that this too was also big incentive/motivation for my husband. This is why he "needed" it when he did. This probably why he started a year ago, knowing it would take that long.
Gotta go. Starting in 15 seconds.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Last week was I celebrated another year of life. Ironically, my husband took advantage of this fact and decided that he too should get a birthday gift. So we got satellite. Not to mention that he has been begging for me to give in to this desire for over a year now. I guess I caved. It's been raining almost every three days here and we were getting sick of watching the same kids movies over and over again. It also would be nice to be able to click on the tube and channel surf while the kids were sleeping. Excuses, Excuses.
Anyways, one very rainy Saturday we packed up the car and purchased the satellite my husband has been yearning for. My husband is also installing everything himself so he's been working tirelessly at hitting the right signal etc. (you can ask him for the details).
We don't have a spade or shovel so he's digging the hole in the ground with one of the kids' plastic sand shovels.
This is probably night #5 of being outside and adjusting things.
And yes those are gigantic bubbles. The kids were out there playing.
It looks like he's looking right at me but really he has no idea I am taking his picture.
He's intent on our television screen that he's moved in front of the patio door behind me.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
While we were back home, the kids and I all shared the same room. My daughter, who sleeps in a big bed now, was finding it hard staying on her mattress.
This is what I overheard my son saying to my daughter when I came up to check on them one night:
"P** get in your bed!.......P** get in your bed! (frustration mounting)..... get in your bed!...... I'm gonna count (pause)....... you're going to make mommy angry (enter mommy)"