Saturday, May 10, 2008
I've been finding it so hard to blog every day lately. I have been plagued with fatigue and nausea like no tomorrow this past week. It seems to come and go, the nausea that is, but I have yet to go a day without vomiting. Oh the joys of growing a child.
This weeks was like most other normal weeks around here. I decided I was going to live at playgroup since I woke up most mornings super tired and sick. So we were there everyday except Wednesday and Friday. I love playgroup. Sigh. The staff are wonderful and helpful and completely sympathetic. The organization also supplies snack so that's a big bonus and less work for me. Plus, most importantly, the kids love going. My son has made some good buddies there and looks forward to his big boy play time. My daughter does her usual rounds. She likes the puzzles, the blocks, the big pasta bin (which is every mother's nightmare), and she LOVES the crayons. We're working on keeping them out of her mouth but for the most part she just likes to tote them around and occasionally make a mark on some person's artwork that was left on the easel.
Wednesday my husband was off work (yeah!) so we went grocery shopping. We also discovered/tried for the first time a little chip stand next to the grocery store. My husband and I both grew up near a town that is primarily Francophone. For those of you who have yet to experience French Quebecoise style cuisine, well you don't know what you are missing. One of these such platters being a true Poutine (pronounced 'puh-tsin' not 'poo-teen' -a pet peeve of mine). Every place we have moved we search out the local eateries and chip stands for the closest thing to what we know back home as the true poutine (it's a thing we do- don't ask). Anyways, back to the grocery store chip stand. We think we have found it. THE place to get a good quality perfectly cooked french fry with real cheese curds and a very tasty dark gravy. Oh and quantity! HMMMMMM. We have tried several places over the course of the past year and none has come close.
Friday we made a playdate with my friend Pam (the one with the son who has the same name as ours) at the park. The boys are hilarious. They talk and ask about each other all the time but because they are 3 they just have no clue about how to play together. One minute they're happy sliding together and the next minute they're throwing rocks at each other. They also imitate everything pretty much that the other does....even peeing. Out of the blue, Pam says to me "oh my goodness look at your son". Here he's dropped his pants to his ankles and was standing there in the middle of the park creating a perfect arc of pee for all to see. Next thing you know her son has dropped his pants and is straining to imitate my son irregardless of having to go or not. Crazy kids. I see we're going to have to work on getting my son to be a little more discreet when there's no bathrooms around.
Friday afternoon was also my ultrasound. I left the kids with some other friends who have 4 boys of their own. My son loves playing there. I'll share more on my experience there but for the most part everything appears to be normal. The technician was super vague and said he was going to do all the calculations later. But it looks like i'm about 8 weeks along which is what I was really praying for. I guess we'll be having a December baby. Here's hoping i'll be looking somewhat back like myself by Christmas.
And today was a normal saturday for the most part. I took the kids out garage saling. I just love looking at other peoples stuff even if I don't buy anything. My son found a gun that makes a grinding noise that a man gave him for free. I found a veggie tales placemat and a cute shelf for my daughter's room. It was a fun morning. We ended up at the same park that we had visited yesterday. Pam was there with her mother-in-law and husband so we joined them for a bit while the boys once again tried to sort out their issues. One day they'll get it.
Hope everyone has a good Mother's day tomorrow!
Thanks for your post.. Despite your nausea and sleepiness you managed to post.. I'm off to write on my mine now...