Friday, May 2, 2008
All week we've been gearing up for today- my son's 3rd birthday. We had the countdown going on and everything. Monday we went to mom's and tots to give my husband some time to recover from pulling a double shift. So that day went by quickly enough (plus we had bible study that night so my son got some play time with his friends). Tuesday we hung out with my husband and I took off in the afternoon with my daughter for a walk with a friend also to take advantage of Ben & Jerry's free ice cream cone day at the mall. So that day went by pretty fast. Wednesday we froze at the park with some friends but it still made the day go by. And yesterday we went to playgroup to again make the day go by.
Last night my husband's friend arrived. My son calls him Uncle Bo-Bo. This began what we told our son, was his birthday celebrations. You see when Uncle Bo-Bo comes to visit he brings his X-Box which my son is ALL over. He would live and breath any and all things electronic or video game related if you let him. Which I might add is part of the reason we don't own any of those things.....yet.
So when Uncle Bo-Bo went to park his truck after unloading all of his things (X-box, computer, electronics etc) onto our front steps, my son was left drooling in the doorway. I just happened to be in earshot when I heard a very excited and elaborate "WOWWWW!............(pause)......I!".
"You're happy?" I say.
Without peeling his eyes off the merchandise he replies "*sigh* I -". Poor guy was without further words.
So Uncle Bo-Bo has helped to make the start of his birthday very complete.
Today, my son of course rose early begging to go downstairs and play games. But we managed to tide him off because Uncle Bo-Bo is NOT an early riser. My husband had agreed to fix a friends vehicle this morning so he was taking my son out with him for some father-son time. When they opened the door, we found a package that the UPS guy must of dropped off while we were still in bed from Grandma S. (my husband's mom).
Here he sports his new hat and Lightning McQueen glow in the dark underwear. Thanks Grandma S.!Thanks also to everyone that phoned to wish him a Happy Birthday. He was a little phoned out tonight for the last couple of calls. But for those of you he didn't talk long to he still jumped at the sound of the phone asking if it was for him. You guys made him feel special.
After helping Daddy outside, I took Liam to playgroup while my husband finished up and while my daughter napped. Uncle Bo-Bo was finally awake by the time we came back. It was game time. That's pretty much what he did for the rest of the day. Of course we forced him to eat and nap in there.
We did the big birthday supper thing for him this evening. He got to open his gift from us and of course do the cake thing. He was super happy. I love the following pictures:I can hardly believe its been three years already. My favorite firstborn son!
Labels: birthdays
- tammi said...
May 6, 2008 at 9:31 AMFun times, fun times. Looks like you had no problem planning a great day for him!- Erin said...
May 6, 2008 at 3:34 PMit just kinda happened. :) the best of all- Anonymous said...
May 8, 2008 at 2:55 PMThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.