Monday, March 17, 2008
So time seems to pass very quickly here some weeks or months. Thursday the hubby went back to work and I went to playgroup with the kids. My daughter has figured out that my milk supply has been decreasing since she barely drinks from me during the day and prefers the sippy cup but has been frequently waking up at night now to suckle (a new habit that developed lately from some gassiness and teething). So it's been rough trying to break that habit. So thursday I was tired.
Thursday night was more awful than the previous night. Man that girl fights hard and is so persistent. After three hours of off and on whining and half sleeping she finally crashed and fell asleep only to wake up again at 6 for more milk. I gave in and gave her a bottle assuring her that she will get fed just not as much from me. Personally I am aiming to be done breastfeeding around a year so I definitely don't want her bolstering the supply. So Friday I was tired. So we went to playgroup again.
That night I knew I needed to get groceries done. I should of done them Thursday but just didn't feel up to it. So Friday was the night. There was no getting around doing it by myself. You see my husband got a promotion and so he is switching rotations at his work this past weekend. So he needed to do some back to back shifts which resulted in working four days straight (should of been five but he dropped one because of his back-which is feeling much better by the way). This meant it was inevitable that this task would be long and dreary. So Friday night after lying on the couch for an hour dozing in and out of consciousness, I finally got my butt in gear and headed to replenish our shelves.
Thankfully with two happy fed kids this ended up being one of our better times in the grocery store. I made it home with everything on my list and gave the kids an evening snack. An experiment to see if this might be part of the reason my daughter was waking up so often to feed. Perhaps she needed a top up before bed. And what a difference that made. She slept NINE hours straight!! Hallllleeelllluuuujaaahh!! So Saturday I was not tired. :)
Saturday became laundry day. I say became because I learned that my son no longer had any clean underwear and because after 2 hours of playing outside in the snow/mud/water I no longer had children. They had evolved into sopping, messy, muddy, drenched goblins. So laundry day also turned into bath night which usually turns into some sort of movie night. So that's always a nice treat. Plus I excitedly filled their bellies with fishy crackers and grapes hoping that history would repeat itself and we'd get another night of rest.
Success! Sunday I was rested again. So the kids and I went and visited a friend at their home church at which I proceeded to sprain my ankle running after my hyper son, who by the end of the morning was way too tired and hungry to understand, let alone obey me in any way.
Sunday nights we attend a bible study group so we did that and thankfully my son had had a good enough nap that he played very nicely and my daughter, too had slept long enough allowing me to leave her with the sitter in the playroom.
And so that brings us to Monday. Today was a restful day. My daughter didn't do too bad last night. She snacked before bed again and managed to sleep most of the night (not as long as before but still good enough for me to feel rested today). My husband is off work for two days so we get to have some family time. I also started to realize just how painful my ankle was and actually took time to look at it and discovered that one ankle is twice the size of the other. Who'd thought. At the time it killed when it had happened but I was able to walk and hadn't given it much thought, just ploughing ahead being a mom and doing what needed to get done to end the day. But today, now that things had slowed down and I had another man on board to help keep things moving, my ankle was sore and obviously I had hurt it worse than I thought.
We also spent some time outside today. Sunny but crisp. The kids are loving this weather and so am I. I find myself yearning for a double stroller more and more. Oh the places I could walk without going mental stressing and obsessing over the possibility of my son getting loose from me on the streets.
Tonight we did a family movie night. Which again is a nice treat and time well spent all cuddled together on the couch.
I guess that just about brings you up to speed on what's been happening around here.
Here's some pictures from our time outside today.
1 Comment:
- tammi said...
March 18, 2008 at 12:24 PMHaha, your daughter is so cute all bundled up!!! I'm glad to hear you may have discovered a solution to her waking up at night and needing to feed. There's nothing worse than feeling completely exhausted all the time because you're not getting enough sleep!