Sunday, March 9, 2008

As I mentioned before, Friday night began what I would describe as the biggest dump of snow we've had all winter. Let's do a before and after look:

Here we have a shot from the other day (and yes we bbq all year round-hmmm steak and sauteed onions).

I thought i'd throw in a cute shot of my daughter enjoying the snow.
And here's our new snow covered back yard. Not sure if you can really tell but the snow is now up to my knees.
You can see the mound in the centre...well there's a kids Adirondack chair buried underneath there somewhere.

To add to the madness around here my husband put his back out shovelling snow at work. So now he's all hunched up and on drugs to control the muscle spasms going on in his lower back, i'm the lucky one who gets to shovel ourselves back into the world and take pictures of him crashed out and high (I use that term loosely-no drug abuse going on here) on the couch.

And lastly, I now have two running children!! This is exciting but frightening all in one. My daughter is now OFFICIALLY walking. She has been taking steps for the past several weeks but today was the day that she decided she was going to use her new found skill as her preferred method of transportation. I managed to get it on here she is for your viewing pleasure(sorry it's sideways):

So that's the news around here! If you think of it, pray for my husband's back to get better and pray for me as I now have two children to chase. Enjoy the snow or lack of for those of you in warmer climates!

P.S. Gotta love the time change too. That definitely upsets the internal clock. The whole day seemed to go by fast but for some reason i'm super exhausted tonight. But the kids did go to sleep earlier so what am I complaining about?


  1. tammi said...
    Hey, we barbeque year 'round, too!! Mmmmm, I can hardly wait until hubby gets home! (I don't even know how to turn the blasted thing on! I've got an electric grill, but it's just not the same...)

    Wow, you guys sure did get a lot of snow!! I imagine we'll end up with something like that in the next few weeks yet, too. It's not quite warm enough here yet for that. But rest assured, before my husband gets home, I'll have gotten my fair share of shovelling exercise, too!! Actually, I quite like needing to shovel because while he's gone, I can't go for a walk, so at least I can still get exercise outdoors in the quiet, wee hours of the morning if it's snowed.

    Hope your hubby's back gets better quick!!
    tammi said...
    Hey, I just came across a page that might be of interest to both of us!

    Biblical Womanhood's WAHM page
    Alyson said...
    hEY!!!! WHEN DID YOU START A BLOG MY FRIEND? Did you tell me you did? I'm a terrible friend because I just saw your link and clicked on it, and realized you were here. I knew you liked ValleyGirl, but just so you know I found her first!!
    o.k I guess she is nice enough to be friends with both of us...sniffle sniffle.

    anyway, miss you

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