Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Lately, as a part of our bible study group, we've been reading the book "The Five Love Languages of Children" the follow up to Gary Chapman's first book "The Five Love Languages" (which I also just finished before my third was born).
I love love reading but haven't done so in a long time. And still haven't really. The books I read are mostly for some Bible study group thing or parenting course or other classes I might be taking at a particular time. None the less these books are my latest reads and I have found myself being challenged daily to be careful how I treat others.
The idea behind these books is that most people understand/feel/receive love the MOST in one particular way or language. The five languages being gifts, physical touch, quality time, words of encouragement and acts of kindness. For example, I feel most loved when my husband spends quality time with me. I know he loves me by telling me or doing things for me but it means the most to me when we hang out or watch a show together or do family outings. That's my love language.
Anyways, I have been reflecting on what my kids and husband's love languages are. My son is definitely physical touch and quality time! My older daughter seems to be words of encouragement and quality time. My husband is also physical touch and words of encouragement. And my youngest? She's still too young to tell.
In light of this i've been trying to speak their languages so that they KNOW in the best way possible that I love them.
My biggest revelation has been that since I have poured more energy into this experiment my kids are both more receptive to my discipline. There are less outbursts, less tantrums, more obedience, more love showing among siblings and to us parents, and more peace.
The books talk about "love tanks" and how we need to keep these full. So by keeping my kids tanks full of love by holding them, encouraging them, and spending MORE quality time with them they feel more loved and don't seem to take it as personally when I need to discipline them. It no longer sends them the message that mommy doesn't love them.
Now that I am a mother of three, the biggest challenge has been re-establishing our routines (the one that works for our house that is) and re-making time for everyone now that there is an extra person to care for.
It has been hard work. Emotionally and spiritually challenging but I am happy to report that after 9 weeks I finally feel like I have figured out a system where I am still doing my devotions, I am still spending time with God, I am still spending time with the kids and my husband, and I can still blog and have a relatively clean house on top of it all.
Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to push on and find what works for our family. Thank you that You have given me another child and with that the joy of being a mother to 3 little beings. Thank you for books that remind me how to be a Godly wife and mother. I thanks you for fellowship and the value that has in spurring me on to become more like you.
That's totally awesome about those books and how cool that you are able to confidently say you have a routine that you follow! I'm so proud of you! I 'm honored that I have such a well rounded YOU as my friend!