Friday, October 3, 2008
This week has been a little crazy. It actually kinda all started at the end of last week. Friday past we took a trip an hour away to drive our old car, which we sold, to its new owners. This meant taking our new van (new to us anyways) for its first real spin on the highway. We also decided to make the trip more worthwhile so we called up my husband's dad (since they live in the same town) to see if they would be around for a visit.
All went well until we started hearing a strange squeaking noise from the back of the van. Turns out that the van's fuel pump was beginning to go. Thankfully, praise the Lord, we made it home that night after contemplating turning around and crashing at my father-in-law's so as to avoid a break down on the side of the highway.
Saturday and Sunday were long days since we dared not venture out with the van in case things decided to die on us. But then Monday rolled around. We had already ordered the part that we needed, only to discover Monday morning that this part was coming from British Columbia, not Toronto, like we had thought. Who knows when it would come in.
As I have mentioned several times before, one of the best things about fall is that our family has things that go on during the week. Things that require transportation. On top of that Monday morning I had my midwife appointment that I hated to cancel. So we decided to chance it and use the van this past week to get to the things we absolutely needed to be at.
Monday was my midwife appointment and our bible study. Tuesday we had gymnastics and another appointment that I had made to sell some kids clothes. Wednesday I had my health/nutrition class. By Thursday we had gotten so used to the van's noises and figured if it had survived this long surely we'd be ok to do other miscellaneous errands.
And here we are on Friday night. The UPS guy dropped off the parts this afternoon and our van is still working (praise the Lord!). So now we just have to be able to get my husband to a friend's house to help him move tomorrow morning and then over to another friend's house to use his garage so we can change the part. Barring any unforeseen trips to the store (more to come)
So this is the first reason this week has been busy.
Secondly, beginning Tuesday night my son began running a fever for no apparent reason. He continued to spike high fevers up until last night at around midnight. Today he is finally back to himself, although he still doesn't have as much energy as usual, he is eating now and has started to pick on his sister. So we've had fun nursing him back to health as well as wiping my daughter's ever dripping nose which also began Wednesday morning. I'm hoping whatever this is will be their big 'sickness' for the winter. My kids are usually pretty healthy.
Finally, as if there wasn't enough going on, last night while I was on the phone with my sister-in-law I witnessed a mouse running across my dining room floor and into our entry-way closet. Ughghg! We've had one previous incident with a mouse and it somehow showed up in front of the patio door, so we had figured it had squeezed its way in somehow.
The little bugger last night, however, appeared to come out of nowhere! I tend to obsess about these kinds of things. I love nature and am happy to have animals, pests, rodents galore OUTSIDE my house but not in it.
Last night I tore that closet apart only to have scared the mouse in behind the double jogging stroller, which now that I am pregnant, is a little hard to maneuver. Especially while one is trying to hold on to a broom with which to swat this mouse with. I ended up barricading the mouse in the closet overnight so my husband could take care of it this morning since he was working late last night.
This morning, though, the mouse was nowhere to be found! That stinkin' little contortion mouse must of made it through the tiniest crack between the closet door and the wall that I had actually contemplated duct taping shut, but didn't.
This afternoon while the kids were napping, my husband and I were in the dining room and we began to hear these little scratching noises coming from the kitchen cupboard under the sink. I swear this mouse isn't very smart. First the closet, then under the kitchen sink- we have no food there at all!
So we tore apart the kitchen only to find that it must be in the wall somewhere (how it got there baffles me again). This mouse is a little too evasive for my liking.
All I can say is thank goodness for a van that squeaks but still works because tonight I took a trip to Canadian Tire and bought ourselves some mouse traps!
One squeak down and one more to go! Well at least i'm hopefull that tomorrow morning we'll have taken care of that problem.
1 Comment:
- tammi said...
October 3, 2008 at 10:26 PMHaha, wanna borrow my cat? I GUARANTEE she'll have at least one of your sqeaking problems taken care of within minutes!!