Ok so it wasn't that bad....well maybe just a bit. I had fun watching parents coax and bribe their children to be good, sit still and smile for pictures tonight. It could of gone either way for us. Last night I was flying solo (the hubby was working) so I was just praying all would go well. And thankfully my son did wonderfully.
First their was the individual pictures which my son quite impressively went up when the coach called his name, sat nicely with the ball and immediately started smiling for the camera. I like to think that it's because we've been instructing him to listen to his coach and follow his direction. But really I think he was too distracted by the water park right beside us to notice how badly the other children were acting (and follow suit).
Then we did the team picture which as you can imagine was a nightmare trying to get 8 kids all sitting and looking and somewhat smiling at the same time. Notice the progression:

My son's second in from the right in the front.

Getting so close.

Those poor parents...she just would not sit down.

Almost....see that little red head in the back on the far right?

She didn't smile, but she got smarties for staying in the picture.
Then we played soccer.

My son decided the ball needed a little help. He took it and ran to their mid-field section.

He did great. I bribed too. I told him he wouldn't get any snacks with the other kids if he didn't stay on the field and show mommy he was working and running hard.
It worked.
FIVE GOALS LATER! and one assist on our own net
I Think he's got the hang of it.

Here he is shaking hands with the other team.
Finally, it was time for a league picture of all the Under-3 teams. I said "pardon?" So the chaos began again.
Not sure if it really ended.

My son's on the far left being hauled back around by our coach.

I think that's best they were going to get. If you notice there are only four red team shirts there. Bribes stopped working after awhile.

He didn't do too bad.
See the first girl in the purple second in on the right in the back row.
She's crying because the girl beside her on the left kept moving and pushed her off her chair.
She now has a big goose-egg on her head.
(my husband works with her mom)
Poor thing.
Till next week.