Friday, June 20, 2008
My husband has just come off of working seven days straight so I just found things to fill our days so that the time would pass quickly enough. He was off for two days so we got some things done around here. And now he's back on for four. So this weekend I am scrounging up things to do. I will let you know what I decide to do with our time.
Other than that, life is pretty much the way it is here. The kids and I are growing. I am fifteen weeks this past Thursday. We're slowly approaching the half-way mark. I am not sure what's more scary, the fact that we're almost in July and summer is half over or the fact that Christmas seems to be looming already or that in five months and a bit I will be holding baby number three!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Ok so it wasn't that bad....well maybe just a bit. I had fun watching parents coax and bribe their children to be good, sit still and smile for pictures tonight. It could of gone either way for us. Last night I was flying solo (the hubby was working) so I was just praying all would go well. And thankfully my son did wonderfully.
First their was the individual pictures which my son quite impressively went up when the coach called his name, sat nicely with the ball and immediately started smiling for the camera. I like to think that it's because we've been instructing him to listen to his coach and follow his direction. But really I think he was too distracted by the water park right beside us to notice how badly the other children were acting (and follow suit).
Then we did the team picture which as you can imagine was a nightmare trying to get 8 kids all sitting and looking and somewhat smiling at the same time. Notice the progression:
Then we played soccer.
It worked.
and one assist on our own net
I Think he's got the hang of it.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A week ago today we took off back home where both my husband and I are from to attend a wedding of a close friend of ours. Any time we go home we have tons of fun visiting with friends and family. I miss home so much because of the people that are still there. Here are some pictures of our time there.
It's bittersweet isn't it? So nice to be back home but also so nice to get back to your own bed and own things. Our trips home always seem to go by so fast even if we were there for almost five whole days. Till next time...whenever that will be.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Well we went away again home for another wedding. I will have to post pictures of that later. But for those of you that have been waiting here are pictures of my son's first soccer game last night.
He was pretty stoked about playing and kept putting on all his things before we even had supper.
He's the RED team!
Monday, June 2, 2008
I realize I just told you all how great I was beginning to feel but now I need to take it all back. For the past four days or so (hence why I haven't posted since Thursday) things have gone way down hill. So much for all those nice foods that were sitting. NOTHING seems to be working now. So you can pray for me as I just take every day and sometimes every hour at a time, waiting to feel better.
Having said that, I have contacted my midwife today to pick her brain about a drug called Diclectin (not sure how its spelled). It is supposed to take away any vomiting and nausea. I go to pick up the prescription this afternoon and will try my first one tonight before bed. I am praying this will help me keep things down. At this point I have stopped caring what I eat cause I know whatever it is it will be showing up an hour later (even soda crackers). I am praying this drug will help get me past this hump until the nausea peters off on its own.
Almost there....will be 13 weeks on Friday approximately! Woohoo.