Friday, April 18, 2008
So when I meant things were back in full swing I don't think I had any idea this week was going to end up as busy as it did.
Monday our first day back began with Mom's and Tot's in the morning which was nice but by 11 both kids were at their limits and starting to get super nasty so we cut it short. That night we had Bible Study which I decided to walk to with my NEW Double Jogging Stroller!!!! I am so psyched! It was the first official big walk with it and boy oh boy was it ever nice. We had it shipped to my Aunt's in the U.S since we were going to be going down there for her son's wedding and so they brought it with them to the hotel in Poughkeepsie (Day 8 of our trip) for us. Thanks again Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Rei!Tuesday I was planning on going to stroller fitness with my daughter and then getting some errands done. Those plans quickly changed when she vomited....twice (also happened sporadically on Day 9 of our trip). So she went for an early nap and I ended up missing stroller fitness but took my son with me anyways to get those errands done. We called it an early night because we were all still so sleep deprived and exhausted. So we picked up some munchies and did a family movie night. We watched Horton Hears a Who with the kids. It was nice. I didn't like that they used the word "stupid" and "boob" in there but on the whole it was OK. After the kids went to bed my husband and I stayed up and watched P.S. I Love You and had a good cry fest. It's a sweet movie. Good reminder to appreciate what you have when you have it.
Wednesday, we woke up early and met my dad for breakfast at the local truck stop. He called during our movie night to let us know he'd be in the area and would have some time to kill before loading the cattle again. So we met up with him, ate, and then headed off to Home Depot to help the time go by. Loading cattle went fairly smoothly this time. This time I didn't forget my camera!!
Thursday, I was determined to make it to stroller fitness and that's just what we did. I had both kids and I died. I am not sure if it was about half way in or not but I just didn't have anything left in me to give. It was quite pathetic. But anyways, not that I don't enjoy the mall walking I have decided that will be my last now that the weather is nice and we can get outside more. Plus I now have my own double stroller so I can go for walks now at my own pace (I have been using the mall double strollers up until now to get my exercise with both kids).
After stroller fitness, I decided to head off to Walmart and see what they had for kitchen sets. My daughter had her 1st birthday while we were gone (Day 3 of our trip) and when we got home all the mail that wasn't junk mail was hers. She was so blessed to get some birthday money so we thought since she always plays with the kitchen set at play group we could get one for home (plus my son loves it too). I had been pricing them out at other stores and hadn't yet checked Walmart and sure enough they had them on sale for an unbeatable price. So THANKS everyone for the birthday money. This is part of what you got her (there is still some money leftover):
And today, Friday, well this morning I decided to walk to play group. The kids were very excited to be around other kids since it had been awhile. They had a special guest today who brought some cool games and stuff that my son enjoyed. We came home and had a pretty normal afternoon until I went upstairs to get my daughter from her nap to discover that, yet again, she was covered in vomit! I don't get this! It is so sporadic and unpredictable. So we got her all cleaned up and its been going on all evening. She finally conked out in bed so now I get the privilege of writing about it. So strange. My sister in law thinks it could be teething. Hmmm. I did hear her grinding her teeth. Any other ideas?
So here I am showered and waiting for my husband to get home from work. I just noticed that its a full moon outside tonight. Hopefully work wasn't too crazy tonight for him. Apparently, the boys he works with tend to be harder to handle on nights like these.
Here honey these'll make you smile.
Thank goodness the weekend is here and my husband is off. Yay!
great purchase!!
I now can't remember anything i wanted to say as I was reading.. sheesh!
Glad you saw your dad! The pics of the kids are AWESOME!
The only thing i wanted to say that I can remember is the full moon thing.. i don't generally believe in the space and stars stuff but seriously around the time of a full moon stuff gets weird and i used to notice it a few days before at work.. then all of a sudden i would notice the full moon and be like oh ya.. that's why everyone was "off" this week!
Hope the hubby had a good night!
Hope you are feeling better and so is the princess!