Friday, February 29, 2008
As I have already mentioned, we've been fighting the flu this week. To add to all this household chaos, my youngest has decided (as if she had some choice over the matter) to start pushing some more teeth through. Last night we found tooth #4 on the bottom center right for those of who like to know these things. I suspect tooth #5 will be here shortly-its very visible but just not through the skin yet.She won't stay still long enough for me to get a good shot of the top ones yet. Will keep trying. That's tooth #1 pictured.
On another note...did I mention how different girls are from boys? When my son was teething he was snotty and grumpy and sensitive and needy. But she just takes it to a whole new level. I know she's happy in this picture but this drama queen I have for a daughter is just no fun to be around when she's teething.....and she's milking it. How do they learn that so fast? She's already looking to see if we're watching when her brother so much as glazes her leg. If we're not, then she pulls out the 'attacked me' cry and watches as our son gets the 20 questions on what just happened. I feel sorry for him already. My husband just has to look at her the wrong way and she'll go off getting all insulted that he dared to eye her. Is this normal or just her? Or did she come by it naturally? Mom if you're reading, i'm sorry if I was like that and if I made you want to pull your hair out or wear earplugs till this stage is over. Only 15 more to go!
Labels: gender differences
Here's an exchange that took place after lunch today.
Mom- "Dad can you fix your son's underwear? The elastic is all turned the other way"
Dad proceeds to grab our son and fix underwear. But as usual decides to take it one step further than necessary and taunt his son by giving him a wedge-e.
Son- "Daddy bum hurts here" (pointing to back end)
Dad (playing it up)- "Where? ohhh here...ahh ...ummm...sorry son"
Son gets aggravated and replies:
"I pull your underwear and you'll see Daddy!"
Oh the valuable lessons that are being taught here (sigh).
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Over this past week, my two kids (almost 3 and 11 months) have been sick with the flu. Normally this means lots and lots of work but surprisingly this time around our oldest has been able to tell us when he is going to be sick and has actually been able to get 'it' into the bowl. So that leaves us with one child to clean up after-not bad!
So besides the occasional episode, my husband and I have found ourselves with some free time. Our oldest wants to watch movies (so we oblige) and the youngest wants to sleep (so we oblige). So now what? We found ourselves wandering our small home with nothing to do. This doesn't happen very often that WE get to do something that WE want to do and for ourselves. Considering that the bug was still alive and well we couldn't make it out of the house and risk contaminating some poor person at Tim Hortons (oh how a nice steamed chocolate mocha would taste right now). So what did we do? We cooked ourselves and nice turkey dinner praying that we too wouldn't get sick and have to bring up all we had over ate on. We actually made it outside for a mini walk to the local playground to get some fresh air (more for our sons sake- we wanted Tim Hortons). We created little projects by scouring the walls for imperfections that we could sad I know. Really pathetic.
Finally, yesterday after three days of restless boredom my husband and I settled in downstairs while the kids slept and did nothing but sit beside one another, each on our respective computers and surfed. What peace we found together for the FOUR hours the kids slept. For four peaceful hours we were without kids (figuratively speaking). I wish I could say we were a little more creative. But for once in a very long time we both were in our element. Remembering what it was like to be without responsibility and be free to squander our time as we please.This is my husband playing call of duty 4. Yah he's a little intense and shall we say addicted to the game. His surfing lasted about all of ten minutes before he immersed himself in the gaming world.
Oh the good 'ol days.
Labels: spare time